Taco Klevering
After his graduation from Technical College, direction civil engineering and 18 months of service, Taco Klevering started as a draftsman at Bartels Lochem. It soon appeared that he had the capacity and knowledge to perform calculations for standard timber frame homes. He became very experienced in calculating steel and concrete structures. In the early nineties Taco pioneered with Chiel Bartels (Bartels's founder) in establishing Mekap, a company that developed and sold fertilizer caps.
In 1999 Taco became responsible of Dunning BV in Apeldoorn as office director. Dunning was an engineering company, later acquired by Bartels. During that period he made the first steps to introduce fire safety engineering into the Bartels' organization.
2003 was the year that Taco became managing director and major shareholder of the Bartels group. During that period he also succesfully completed a two-year MBA with the specialization 'Strategic Management'.
As managing director he is responsible for the staff services and foreign offices of Bartels, but he is also concerned with sustainability issues. He can tell you everything about the BREEAM method, which is being applied regularly in the Netherlands with new building.
Taco is an entrepeneur at heart. Besides being a managing director at Bartels he is also (former) president of the Rotary Club and Lighthouse Club. When he sees a chance he goes for it!