Sports and Leisure

Sports facilities have their own special design parameters, so experience counts. Sports is all about emotions. The design of these sports facilities should strengthen those emotions with challenging shapes, free sights, good acoustical design and a friendly atmosphere.
(Football) Stadiums require specific structures to meet requirements like dynamical loadings, large spans, clear sight, supporter proof materials and emergency strategies.
Swimming pools are becoming sructures with different materials, a higher complexity, high temperature differences and moist environments. Detailing of the structure as well as the finishing materials is very important to prevent damage and loss of quality during the life cycle.
Sports halls require very large spans to guarantee free lines of sight. Safety in terms of structural safety and emergency strategies are as important as creating the right atmosphere for the athletes and fans.
We have a portfolio of completed major sports and entertainment facilities unsurpassed among structural engineering firms. We are a world expert on design of precast concrete structures for large stadiums.