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Steel houses - Apeldoorn Netherlands

Housing is by far the most important part of building industry anywhere in the world. It’s one of the most important elementary needs of human kind. It is very close to us, creates emotions like feeling at home, secure, safe, friendly and sustainable. It is also a large part of the family budget. These are the requirements for the designers.  Costs, efficient building, life-cycle costs and energy consumption are very important targets to be met by the designers, as well as (sound) isolation, fire safety and (sun)light access. 

Most of the time, the structural design for resistential buildings is not as complex as larger structures, like commercial spaces or office buildings. But that does noet make these structures less challenging. Looking for new, smart and simple solutions for structural challanges is what we do every day. We try to create new solutions and rules for the structural design of residential buildings.

We work both in the public and private sector on new-build and refurbishment schemes for residential projects around the world. Projects range from single-family housing to high-rise urban.
Regeneration, sustainable and affordable housing are key themes for service providers, with a focus on carbon-neutral developments. We have sustainability expertise in-house, which enables us to integrate this fully during the design phase.
At Bartels we deliver solutions that employ cost-effective construction techniques and make innovative use of space. We are at the forefront of energy-efficient design and have helped to develop numerous buildings systems and concepts that contribute to sustainable housing by using less materials, thermal mass concepts, concrete products with integrated installations and more.


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